The $APL Tokenomics!

3 min readNov 1, 2022


Time and time again, we see good projects fail due to bad tokenomics.
The economy of the project’s token is vital to make it sustainable in the long run, and we put a lot of thought into them for that very reason. We want APLaunch to be around for years to come, and grow with Aptos, hand-in-hand.

With that in mind, let’s dive in!

A Token for the community

The first question we asked ourselves when thinking about tokenomics was “What is the purpose of this token?”
And the most simple and honest answer is “to empower the community”. Allowing $APL holders to participate in the Aptos ecosystem is the end goal of APLaunch. So it only makes sense that the token should end up in the community’s hands, and we mean the REAL community. The everyday guys that enter discord and get excited about a GM from our mods. The guy that sees a funny tweet and quote-retweets it to his 20 followers. The community that really wants to push Aptos forward and invest in the amazing projects that are brewing around.

For that reason, more than 75% of the token supply will be in the hands of the community.

There are no VCs. There are no private sales. $APL belongs to you!

40% will be sold on the public IDO, and 36% will be distributed over the next 3 years minimum as staking rewards.

Also, as a team, we allocated just 10% of the tokens to us, which we feel is a fair amount.

A Token for the long-run

Another important thing to consider is longevity. We want to incentivize holding $APL and reward those who risk buying it in the first place. We know that the APLaunch team is a safe bet, but you don’t have to!
On the other hand, we don’t want to flood the market too fast, or the selling pressure will be immense. It’s all about balance!

The vesting schedule is smooth, and the inflation rate is low. Besides that, we, the team, have our tokens locked for 12 months!

IDO investors will get 50% of their tokens on TGE, 25% after 3 months, and the final 25% after 6 months.

We plan to use 50% of the liquidity supply right away to generate a healthy trading environment and reserve the extra 50% for later listings.

Tokenomics Summary

In conclusion, we want $APL’s value to grow organically, as we bring more and more projects to our investors.

We don’t believe in offering private deals so that some can dump on the rest. That is not how we operate.

Let’s get $APL into the holders' wallets so that everyone gets a chance to participate in this amazing and exciting ecosystem that is Aptos!




The home of innovation on the Aptos blockchain. A premium launchpad built by the team at KDLabs.